About the Program
The Camping Select Rating Program was developed during 1994 and 1995 in the Atlantic Provinces with the cooperation of government agencies and the campground industry. In 2000 and 2001 pilot projects were conducted in Western Canada which showed its viability for use in all regions in Canada. As a result Campgrounds • Campings Canada (CCC), the national campground organization comprised of the provincial campground associations, adopted the Camping Select Rating Program as its national rating program.
The rating program was developed from extensive consumer research combined with continued dialogue with the camping industry and is designed to meet consumer expectations at various star levels. In excess of 300 camping properties contributed to the original development program, by allowing on-site visitations. Canada's new national program has continued to develop, and will expand to include campgrounds in all provinces across the country.
The Program is based upon a two-tier system, reflecting separate Facility and Recreation scores. All scores begin at a one star level and increase in half star increments to a maximum of five stars.